From 100s of Views a Day to 40

A lament of woe? Or sign of the times?

Ira Robinson


Painting by author (Ira Robinson)

While I’ve been here for less than a year, the roller coaster this place has put me through is pretty wild.

Back when I first started writing for the platform in earnest, I wasn’t sure where the journey would take me. I’ve been a professional writer for decades, but the focus was much more on fiction stories than articles about my experiences and feelings.

I’ve come to learn I highly enjoy both, but they each bring their own frustrations, in differing ways.

My first fledgling couple of months were spent watching stats and seeing them grow as I published more, creating a back catalog of appetizers and meals for everyone to dig into. I’d be ecstatic to see 30–40 views a day coming in, and watched as that progressed ever-upwards. I think my highest peak was 1200 in a single day, which, for someone like me, felt pretty good.

The earnings, too, progressed, with my highest month peaking at over $300.00. While that may not sound like a lot, for someone who lives on $700.00 a month disability, every extra dollar leads to serious quality of life improvements.

Then the September apocalypse came, and I’ve seen my views go from hundreds per day to, much of the time, less than 40.



Ira Robinson

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at