From Zero To 3.1 Million Content Views!

Useful Content and Consistency Will Always Be The Winner!

Deon Christie


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The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

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What Will You Learn From This Article?

Reaching A 1200% Audience Growth in 11 Months!

A Guide Through Quora and Leveraging Answers.

Creating a Curious Presentation for Every Answer.

The Traffic Benefits of Combining Quora and Medium.

Link Between your Quora Answers and Medium Posts.

Reaching A 1200% Audience Growth in 11 Months!

Yes, that is not a typing error; the stats speak for themselves. By applying a few simple techniques and steps we will cover in this article, you too can increase your activity exponentially.

This is super simple to do, all you need is knowledge and a bit of creativity.

So, if you want to see just under 1200% growth in your audience, all you have to do is keep reading.

But, before we proceed, I suppose you would like to see some proof, right? Well, so would I, because it seems a little too good to be true. I am still not sure who is surprised at these results most. My readers, or I.

Because I did not expect this to work that well, that fast! Truth be told, I was playing around!

Below you will see my analytic results for Quora “All Time” since I joined in 2017. It’s been rather slow over the years, right?

Pretty much dead in comparison to 2021, if you ask me!

Believe me, I started to lose hope a bit there, 3 years with little results can be rather frustrating.

spectacular audience growth on quora
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Fast forward to 2021, and everything started to fall into place. With a 2.6 million views growth in 2021 alone (11 months)!

That is an average of just under 250K per month! Which is the number of views I had in the first 3 years combined. That is now a monthly average.

past year statistics on quora
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

How to do all this is covered in much more detail in another Medium publication. You may need to read a few because the entire technique requires quite a bit of work to set up.

But the point is it is worth it because it works!

It is well worth the effort to pay attention to the other articles mentioned because it is impossible to compact this entire technique into a single Medium publication.

That would be more like a minimum 50K words eBook Publication.

A Guide Through Quora and Leveraging Answers.

Quora answers have three main categories of questions you want to focus on. Don’t just focus on the high follower count but combine the strategy or 3 categories.

While only including links to your Medium publications or personal blog posts directly relevant to the answer.

1. Questions Asked by Other Users.

2. Questions With High Follower Counts.

3. Questions Suggested by Quora.

Relevance is important because that’s how you get your Quora answers deleted or muted for violation of terms. Your content needs to flow into one objective. Solving a problem.

People search Quora for answers and solutions to problems, not sales pitches and affiliate offers. Come up with solutions to their problems and you will never have to sales pitch or try to sell anything…ever.

Let your content do the talking and selling. Your content is your viral salesman; always remember that.

I find that with answers, readers do enjoy things like steps and bullet points. Steps can be laid out in numbers, marking step 1, step 2, etc.

But the quality of your answer is what keeps your reader interested. Especially when it solves the problem they are struggling with.

In order for visitors to land on your answer and actually read it, depends on your first 3–5 lines of text, along with your presentational image.

Creating a Curious Presentation for Every Answer.

Curious presentation is the part where your featured image and/or video thumbnail attracts attention.

The kind of attention that will cause someone to stop scrolling through the feed. Because they want to see what “this is all about”.

That is how you get your visitors to your post, answer, article, video, publication, or any content you share (and own). Curious presentation is about using images, colours, lines, design, and much more.

That’s the point because a curious audience is an active audience.

The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Your featured image must indicate precisely what the content is about. That way, you only attract readers interested in the content. That is very important because if people are not interested in your content.

Going through the trouble to get them to your content will defeat the purpose entirely. That is usually the result of a less specific presentation.

The Traffic Benefits of Combining Quora and Medium!

I have been on Medium since 2017, same as with Quora, joined the exact same year. But never really paid much attention.

Then over the last year, Quora got most of my attention. As did Medium, over the last 2–3 months.

Regrettably, I should’ve started diving deeper into these two platforms a lot sooner. I have never seen growth quite like this anywhere else. Not even on my blog, which I started back in 2016.

With Medium, the growth is still a work in progress. But with Quora booming, Medium will soon follow. I need to continue with my strategy to combine Quora and Medium.

But part of that strategy is discussed in more detail in another Medium publication below.

From 9–25 Views per day to as many as 500 views per day in 3 months on Medium. A bit slower than Quora, but then that is only during the last 2–3 months.

While Quora's growth was over the last 11 months, therefore, I am still giving Medium a bit more work and effort. I aim to grow equally explosive on Medium.

medium stats for three months
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

Growth is the Final Frontier of Recognition and Trust.

The minute you notice growth, you know you’re on the right path. Audiences are growing because they are interested in your content. That is the perfect sign to keep going in that direction.

In my case, currently, Quora and Medium.

The secret to growth is to find your own methods or techniques and then combine them. Keep testing, mixing, and combining until you find what works for you.

Once you establish that, you just keep going in that direction until successful.

Growth also means recognition and trust. Mostly because your readers are experiencing results with the solutions you offer, therefore they will start trusting what you say.

Your content must always be your own, through personal research, failure, and coming up with solutions.

There is a current trend and many teachings on how to “spin” articles. STOP already! You are destroying your recognition and trust before you even got started, in my opinion!

Don’t build your recognition and trust while getting known as just another copy/paste marketer or writer.

A recognizable alternative to “spinning” articles is to include some text from the content you find useful. Then include the part that says “Source” where you link back to precisely that.

Now you are giving credit to the original owner or writer.

But you are also showing your readers that you do not know everything because none of us does. We keep learning every day!

Ponting back to someone else’s content should also be done as a “Quote Phrase or Content Block”.

Acknowledging that you are not the original owner of the phrase you share as a quote. It is also a way of external link building with blogging.

Today all my website traffic is generated from my own efforts, efforts that I have perfected over the years that have created up to 16,364 targeted visitors per day and returned revenue in excess of (See For Yourself Inside) per month! — Source

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Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of my top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools I use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you asap. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is my personal free giveaway to all new Medium subscribers.



Deon Christie

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011.