From Articles to Assets — Building Wealth with Small Investments from Your Medium Earnings.

Published in
5 min readJun 23, 2024


Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

Every read, view, and clap on your medium post adds a few pennies to side hustle earnings. What if those pennies disappeared in the shape of investment and transformed into financial growth? In the digital revolution, your every word can generate income. These tiny pennies can be the seed of future wealth.

Micro investing is a unique and straightforward method to grow your wealth with a small amount of money. In the article, we will dig deep to find how to leverage the income from content writing or any other writing source to make significant wealth through micro-investing.

Why Micro investing?

Micro investing is a beautiful journey from words to wealth where small drops can make a big stream. Micro investing does not require significant investment this investment can be started from a very low amount of money and then steadily grow the investment portfolio. On the contrary traditional investment requires huge capital and financial knowledge, which is difficult for common people.

Why Write on Medium?

Medium’s Partner Program allows earning money based on the engagement matrix (reads ratio, claps, comments, views, etc.) As long as more readers engage with the content, the writers can earn…

