
From Likes to Live: How Unplugging Brought Me Joy

The notification chime from yet another social media app jolted me out of my daze.

The Daily Updater


From Likes to Live: How Unplugging Brought Me Joy, digital detox
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

I realized I had spent the last 2 hours mindlessly scrolling through feeds, numb to the outside world. As I took in my dimly lit surroundings and the eye strain beginning to set in, I had an unsettling epiphany — social media was stealing my life away, one digital moment at a time.

I knew I had to make a change. Thus began my 30-day digital detox. What started as an experiment soon uncovered the unexpected joys of being unplugged.

Why I Felt the Need to Detox From Social Media

The turning point came when I realized just how much of my time and mental energy went toward chasing superficial validation online.

I was living for those hollow dopamine hits — the next like, the next comment. My thoughts and conversations centered around the latest viral post or meme.

From Likes to Live: How Unplugging Brought Me Joy, digital detox
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

I had more than 2,000 friends on Facebook, but I felt detached from the real world. I was irritable and restless, constantly distracted from notifications on my phone. I struggled to be present alongside close friends and my family.

It finally dawned on me — instead of bringing me together, social media and technology were driving me apart from the people and experiences that matter most.

The seed of change had been planted. I knew what I had to do.

My 30 Days of Being Unplugged: The Digital Detox Diaries

I decided to completely unplug all social media and limit personal technology use to 1 hour per day. The first few days were brutal — I experienced withdrawal symptoms like mood swings, anxiety and boredom.

From Likes to Live: How Unplugging Brought Me Joy, digital detox
Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash

But slowly, the clouds cleared. Freed from the compulsion to constantly check my feeds, I began noticing small joys that had been drowned out earlier — a heartfelt conversation with a friend, the chatter of birds welcoming dawn, losing myself in a good book.

I started writing in a journal again — it was cathartic to pour my thoughts onto paper. I reconnected with forgotten hobbies, like sketching and baking. I said yes to more invitations, no longer “too busy” scrolling through my phone.

Being unplugged opened my eyes to the richness of real-world moments — time spent connecting with myself and others. My mind felt calmer, my days fuller, my mood lifted.

From Likes to Live: How Unplugging Brought Me Joy, digital detox
Photo by Cody Engel on Unsplash

I started having deeper conversations, not restricted by text limits or reaction emojis. I tuned in more to people’s emotions and body language. Unburdened by the pressure to project perfection online, I felt freer to just be myself.

30 days flew by, filled with authentic human moments instead of digital distractions. This “digital detox” turned out to be an unexpected doorway to joy.

From Likes to Living: Lessons Learned From My Social Media Detox

My month being mostly unplugged sparked profound personal insights:

  • Digital validation means little if it compromises real human connection. The superficial thumbs-ups we chase online can leave us feeling empty inside. Nothing compares to the nourishment received from authentic bonds.
  • Tuning into the present reveals life’s hidden beauty. Freed from the hook of constant notifications, I became more attuned to the gifts around me — little bursts of joy waiting to be noticed in everyday moments.
  • Disconnecting brought me closer to myself and others. Finally, off the hamster wheel of social media, I reconnected with forgotten passions and had space for deeper relationships.

While social media can have value in moderation, I had clearly gone overboard. My all-consuming use was interfering with living purposefully.

From Likes to Live: How Unplugging Brought Me Joy, digital detox
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash

Detoxing helped me find balance and perspective. I continue to mindfully limit technology, while still enjoying the odd meme or cat video!

But I turn to the richness of real-world connections to fill my cup, not the empty calories of online validation.

My quest for likes obscured the light within. Dimming my screen brightened my outlook, opening my eyes to joy.

After years spent chasing external validation, my digital detox uncovered an internal spring of peace and meaning. By following the light within instead of the siren call of apps, I found lasting nourishment for both my mind and soul.

From Likes to Live: How Unplugging Brought Me Joy, digital detox
Photo by Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash

Has the darker side of technology started to eclipse your inner light too? I invite you to join me on this illuminating journey from likes to life. Power down, tune inward, and let joy and human connection brighten up your days!

“This story is written by M Aslam Waheed. Follow me on LinkedIn, facebook, Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram.”

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Author: M Aslam Waheed

Happy Learning.



The Daily Updater