From the Game of Thrones to the Game of Views!

Contemporary Exhibition of Pope’s The Rape of the Lock!

Rashed Qureshi
3 min readJun 15, 2020



Social media’s progress is like ‘The Rape of the Lock’ to me. Its an unending race to get maximum views by this way or that way. Students should not indulge themselves in the game of number of views instead they should focus on their studies, quest and try to win venturesome future ‘Game of Thrones’.

I have seen a number of students who want to earn quickly and open a youtube channel like stuff and try odd things to get maximum views. They are not professionals obviously and they behave drastically. They upload some cheap, ordinary stuff and deceive viewers to increase traffic on their videos. In such attempts, they even try to execute some perilous tasks like taking selfies on dangerous spots and lose their lives. Even if such students run their channels successfully and get maximum views for their videos, they cannot concentrate on their studies and lose their precious phase of a student life.

Youtube channels and uploading of videos on social media like links have made it possible even for a lay man to expose their worth and earn respectably. But as there is no criterion for success on such forums except to get maximum views, it is nothing but futile in a broader sense.

I challenge, if someone wants to access some really rare creative stuff on such forums, one will have to move around Mars at least seven times and still there is no surety of his success. It’s like searching for a diamond from a huge bin of litter. When views matter, there will be simply ‘the rapes of the locks’. The situation was comparatively better some years back, but now a days you have to submerge yourself fully into this ‘Ocean Futile’. So, click is the creativity.

Photo by Fachy Marín on Unsplash

Real people have been left with no real worth. They just watch helplessly absurdities growing up and creating huge round of wealth. Real creativity has become worthless and number of viewers for such activities are less than those who smartly capture people’s attention towards their so called achievements. This is disparaging, disgusting and discouraging for creative people all around. One may visit any social media page and watch youtube top videos, the ultimate result will be simply embarrassment and 2020 vivid description Alexander Pope’s masterpiece poem ‘The Rape of the Lock’.

How things will get better, don’t know. How creativity will come up on the surface and get desired attention , seems almost impossible to me. We are going into the depths of ignorance day by day. I believe, respect to real creativity can give us a last chance to recover. For this we have to redefine creativity, respect and success. If only securing maximum ‘views’ continue to remain desired creativity, then we all should search and reserve our ‘locks’ for the nearest future use.

