From the Man With the Golden Toilet

Daniel McIntosh, PhD.
Published in
7 min readApr 11, 2024


The Trump Bible

(Trump selling the MAGA version of the King James Bible, image generated by, 2024)

Donald Trump has been cultivating an image and style similar to Christian evangelists: always loud, volatile, and apocalyptic; he has begun closing his rallies with a solemn evangelical alter call:

Soft, reflective music fills the venue as a hush falls over the crowd. Mr. Trump’s tone turns reverent and somber, prompting some supporters to bow their heads or close their eyes. Others raise open palms in the air or murmur as if in prayer. — Michael Bender, 2024

Selling the image

Trump, the ultimate con man, has latched onto yet another way to turn his followers into cash cows. He has long worked to turn his name and image into a significant source of revenue. Examples include:

  • Trump Non-Fungible Token collectible cards
  • Trump University
  • Trump Sneakers



Daniel McIntosh, PhD.

Writer, consultant, public speaker. Tired of living in the Dark Ages. Working for something better. Top writer in politics and economics.