From Writer’s Block to Published Content: How ChatGPT Can Help You Overcome the Struggle

The Successful Writer of the Future Will Be A ‘Thinker’ Not A ‘Doer’



Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels

Writer’s Block: A point in writing where the writer runs head first into a brick wall in their writing process.

I have ‘reverse writer’s block’ — I never get stuck trying to decide what to write about — the opposite is true — I have so many ideas mulling around in my little head that I struggle to put them down on paper in any coherent manner.

I know the logical order my ideas are going to flow and areas where I’ll inject humour or sarcasm — I’m impressed with the way this article is forming in my head.

But 2 months later, the cursor is still blinking on a blank page and I’m yet to hit the publish button on anything remotely readable.

I heard this quote in my digital writing course:

‘I only write when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes at nine every morning’ — William Faulkner

It means that you can’t rely on the romanticism of waiting to be inspired.

To be a good writer you need to create sacred hours — a specific time of the day you chain yourself to your desk and write no matter whether you feel…




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