Fucking success

Oh my God what are you reading

Write the dust
4 min readDec 6, 2022


I wake up in the morning, wash my face, get dressed, and open medium, and… all I see are articles claiming “This will make you successful” “6 habits to transform your life” and “Eat Donald Trump and be successful”. Aren’t you tired?

Image by Victoria Model from Pixabay

Are we built to be successful or to enjoy life?

I can assure you that, when you let go of that pressure of being successful, you start to love yourself.


We humans always were and will need to think we are superior to each other. That will never change.

Let’s suppose you want to build Amazon 2. If you wish to but don’t get that ass moving, you’re wasting time. Like a 5-year child would do.

Did you get it?

That’s the shame of this kind of article. They encourage you to be successful, the best person you’ve ever met, but if you fail to do so, it’s YOUR fault, not mine, hahaha.

“What’s up, bro? I’m going to be successful today. I’ll read all articles I find about that in Medium because that is my goal hahaha you never imagined.

Hmmm, I see, I have to keep a journal, to express my gratitude every day because the sun shows up every day and to write my goals down on paper. I have it! A recipe for success!

Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

Okay, here is my paper, now I’m going to listen to some music to stimulate my brain.

Now we are on fire bro! I’m going to write down my goals and I’ll be the master of the universe!

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Here I am! I’m going to conquer the world!”

That was just your life.


Look at me in the eyes, bro. Why do you need to do this stupid thing?

Stop doing that.

You don’t need to write a single word. What you need is to know the things that’ll make you happy. Simply guidelines. Nothing strict.

The plan will fail when you know you have to stick with it.

You just know you like to read write the dust on medium, watch series, do sports, listen to podcasts, play games, and breathe. So do it whenever you can! It’s not that difficult.

Don’t write it on paper. I suppose you have a head and a mind inside it so you will remember what you like.


Success don’t mean the same for you that to your neighbor.

If success means having a shitty morning routine, planning the next day like you’re the Nietzsche's superhuman, letting the power of the sun touch your body, and skipping dinners, man, you’re successful only for your brain.

Real success means a lot of struggle, and you don’t see the results the day after.

Always remember that good thing in life come with time.

Will you turn off your phone? Ok, isolate yourself.

Will you smile every day? Ok, be numb.

Won’t you watch porn? Ok, don’t enjoy your body.

We are kind of becoming a little silly, right? Please put a little mind to this.

Don’t do things just for the sake of it.

If FTX exchange wrote its plans down, maybe it won’t be bankrupt 😁 😆.

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Success is a goal one needs to struggle a lot to achieve, and you have to fail so many times to achieve it. You need to be very brave.

There’s nothing bad about refusing to be successful. You’ll live a better life. That burden is so heavy. Drop it down.

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Here’s your tweet for success on Twitter!



Write the dust

Unlock your potential and find inspiration in every note. Personal development articles harmonized with transformative songs.