Fundamental Steps Towards Happiness

Sustain your soul.

Ahmad Hamzeh
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2024


Being happy isn’t inherent; it’s earned.

Happy people don’t have extraordinary lives. They make their ordinary lives extraordinary.

Many of us dwell on or accept what makes us unhappy, claiming it’s something everyone has to go through and it’s okay. It’s a part of life.

But that couldn’t be further from self-destructive. We are capable of doing anything and reaching any heights we want. Yet, many people are in a condition they detest, but they simply accept it because they feel they can’t do anything about it. But they can.

To live a life you’ve always wanted is to destroy a life you’ve always hated — unhealthy habits, unwanted connections, and negative persistence.

People can’t stay the same and yet ask for a better life.

So, here are some crucial changes you need to make to become happier:

Discover your purpose

A purpose makes life worthwhile because it gives you goals to reach for. There’s no point in driving if you have nowhere to go.

This is why many of us feel lost and unhappy. You need to have something to get you out of bed and excited; something that’ll make your heart beat just thinking about it. You…



Ahmad Hamzeh

Civil Engineer | SEO Copywriter / Content Creator - I Write Strategic Copy That'll Grow Your Audience.