G.I.-Gens — A Legacy of Frugality & Patriotism

The Greatest Generation (“Great Goldens” or “GI-Gens”) kept hope alive while setting their sights on new horizons

Anthony Eichberger
Published in
6 min readJun 26, 2023


As part of an effort to combat ageism and foster intergenerational compassion, I’ve launched my “Jigsaw Gens” project. In this Medium anthology series, I’ll explore the histories and characteristics associated with each of America’s named generations.

My first installment focused on the “Hemingrebels” (aka “the Lost Generation”). These were the young adults of the Roaring Twenties who’d been born approximately from the mid-1880s up through the first couple of years of the Twentieth Century.

Next up: the “GI-Gens” (aka “the Greatest Generation”).

Who They Are

GI-Gens were born approximately between 1907 to 1924 — give or take a few years on either end. Their moniker of the “Greatest Generation” is widely attributed to journalist Tom Brokaw, who featured dozens of this generation’s members in his 1998 book.

I’ve coined the term “GI-Gen” for them since they can be alternately known as “the G.I. Generation” due to their wartime existence. However, “the G.I. Generation” is really a bit of a mouthful.



Anthony Eichberger

Gay. Millennial. Pagan/Polytheist. Disabled. Rural-Born. Politically-Independent. Fashion-Challenged. Rational Egoist. Survivor. #AgriWarrior (Deal With It!)