Gambling… I played poker for a living.

Jan Sebastian 🖐👩‍🦰
Published in
2 min readSep 3, 2021


I never gambled until I was 30. As a struggling actress, I learned.

Photo by Anna Shvets

My boyfriend gambled.

His game, 7 card stud.

The first came to his apartment, he had just got home from the casino.

He had won tons of money, he spread the hundreds all over the table.

I had never heard of such a thing.

I had played Gin every night with my stepdad. while growing up.

My stepdad always beat me every night, until one night, I won. We never played again.

So this gambling thing intrigued me.

One night when my boyfriend was at the casino, I found a book on gambling. I turned to the chapter on 7 card stud and began learning the rules.

  1. Count the cards. Because of years playing Gin. that was a snap.
  2. When you double your money, leave. That takes discipline, which leads to…
  3. Never “Feel” lucky. Quit when you’re ahead. Walk the -F- away!
  4. Many casinos give the…



Jan Sebastian 🖐👩‍🦰

I had a stroke so I can’t walk or talk, but I can write! Just a new chapter in life. I love the journey…..By me a cup of coffee