Generation Text

Words by Egypt
Published in
2 min readApr 27, 2024

A poem about online life

Photo by DuoNguyen on Unsplash

I belong to a generation where my thumbs reign supreme

Dancing across the screen in only a whim

For I don’t have time to speak on a call

When in a flash I craft word magic without a fall

Don’t stop my outpour of thoughts, that brings to the screen a delightful glow

I’m a connoisseur of characters charting a sea of endless wordflow

I know what you’re thinking. Am I ever satisfied with my art

For I can never fully own this moment, I ever feel I’ve lost a part

For I am busy transforming binaries, such pleasure I cannot measure

The longing to self-express is now seized in every leisure

I’m ever ahead of my mind, typing gloriously, my joints dancing swiftly

A thousand letters I spit out, the word art comes to life in a jiffy

Oh how the buzzing and the pinging entice me with allure

How can I resist those sweet sounds which I cannot endure?

Forget writing, reading, talking or penmanship

I’m the muse made manifest in this land of digital ownership

My fingers hold fast. Strong and steady like military guards

My thumbs paint lofty landscapes, the word mountains rising at their vanguard

This virtual crack I willfully engage

Don’t judge me, okay, the screen calls out to me, in a voice of rage

My rationality is captured by this ever-close friend in my pocket

As I’m pulled back into the digital void, and launch my words like a rocket

I am a generation, what I’ll bear I know not next

A sad and sweet road I thread,

I am generation text.

Poet’s commentary

I wrote some poems inspired by the ridiculousness of our collective attachment to digital devices and too excessive use of the Internet and social media. It can be an endless overflowing well of shallow experience, and information. Flooding our senses and cluttering our minds.

I want to curate my life in a manner where I am more intentional about where I gift my attention. Because I see the pointlessness of spending so much time on a vast online sea of mostly nonsense.



Words by Egypt

Writer and Poet. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.