Genetics of red hair

Facts about people with red hair



Photo by Gabriel Silvério on Unsplash

Red hair can look like a curse or a gift. Once red hair seemed to be a sign of a witch and red women were burned at the stake. Today, blonde hair seems very beautiful, and they are rare. No one thinks about witchcraft anymore, but there are other interesting things about redheads that no one knows about. Meet them and you can surprise your red-haired acquaintances. You may not even have heard of such information!

In the past, red-haired children have tarnished their parents reputations.
In medieval times, full of prejudice, a red-haired baby was a sign of parental sin. It was believed that conception was in a “dirty” way, during menstruation.

Red hair does not turn gray
Red hair almost never turns gray, only the light color changes over time. From saturated copper it turns into a light shade, straight to silvery-white. Red hair did not get a more familiar grayish color even at a very old age.

Redheads find it harder to absorb the D vitamin from sunlight, but their body can produce them on its own, even in weather conditions, almost devoid of sun! This allows the red-haired person’s body to avoid a lack of nutrients.

Redheads are often afraid of the dentist




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