Gentleness is My KPI

It guides me in being the Mother, Healer, and Solopreneur I want to be.

Bingz Huang
Published in
3 min readJul 28, 2020


Photo by Irina Murza on Unsplash

I love the word “Gentleness”.

Gentleness, to me, is a magical ingredient that can make my everyday life feel softer, safer, and more loving. There is a tactile meaning to it, and being energetically sensitive, I can sense any energetic tension within any person, relationship, and situation.

Words like “Love”, “Compassion”, and “Kindness” can feel abstract at times, but “Gentleness” is easy to sense because it honors your sensitivity. You can never be too sensitive for your good, as long as you follow your instincts to be gentler on yourself and others.

What I do as a Gentleness Coach

My main work is in helping women who feel overwhelmed and burdened by their energetic sensitivity. They long to feel more stable, grounded, and energized in their lives, so they can feel more empowered to move towards their goals and dreams, while still being able to help others.

I do this through a blend of intuitive healing and reading using their Human Design charts while encouraging them to be gentler on themselves and others as well.

When you consciously practice being gentler on yourself and others, it becomes easier for you to…



Bingz Huang

Gentleness Coach & Certified MAP Practitioner. I can guide you to feel happy and fulfilled despite life challenges.