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Kakeibo: Learn and apply this century-old Japanese budgeting technique.

🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman


Image by Gerad Noble from Pixabay

In 1904, the first Japanese female journalist Matoko Hani published something amazing in a women’s magazine. She wrote about a budgeting method to help people save money by up to 35%.

The method was incredibly simple and easy to apply. So, it became popular among the readers, especially Japanese housewives struggling to maintain their monthly budget. It was known as Kakeibo. In Japanese, Kakeibo means ‘household ledger.’

Time went by and the method gained popularity all over Japan. Eventually, it became a part of Japanese culture.

Later, in 2018, Japanese writer Fumiko Chiba published a guide titled “Kakeibo: The Japanese Art of Saving Money” through which the whole world came to know the magic of this lovely method.

Kakeibo is a simple money management plan. It helps you save a lot of money that you never imagined possible. And how does it do that? By only transforming your poor purchasing habit into a mindful one.

Since it originated in the early twentieth century, the method requires no apps or fancy gadgets. All it needs is a pen or pencil and a notebook. And then, you have to ask yourself a…



🌍 S M Mamunur Rahman

Boost Nominator ✦ Editor of The Environment ✦ I share stories to transform your life