
Six Keys to Get Moving When You Feel Stuck

Helpful questions to get you un-stuck and on the path to your goals

Marie Biancuzzo
Published in
9 min readMay 8, 2024


Photo by Tim Gouw on Pexels

We’ve all felt stuck at some point in our lives. Maybe we’re facing a problem that needs to be solved, or a decision that hasn’t been made. (Yes, those are different.) It could be a not-yet-present opportunity, or an adversity that hasn’t yet been overcome. Perhaps it’s just an everyday nuisance, like a printer that won’t print. Or it could be a life-altering event, such as losing a job or having a seriously ill child. In all of those situations when you feel stuck, you’re wondering how to get out of the quicksand.

I posit that if we listen, our intuition will speak and help us to know exactly what to do. We can get un-stuck by asking ourselves the six questions in Kipling’s Six Serving Men: What, why, when, how, where, who?

Infographic by author

What is making me stuck?

Most of us are masters at saying, oh, it’s the corporate policy, it’s the country’s economy, it’s the weather, it’s my lack of skills or network, it’s the culture or the history. It’s my old age or arthritis. But…

