Life Lessons

Get Off Your Butt and Say Something Nice!

It’s time to create a better spiral

Timothy Key
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2020


Image by Cheryl Holt from Pixabay

Have you said something nice to someone yet today? Have you done something nice for someone?

Have you smiled?

It’s pretty easy to get caught up in life, and really easy to feel like responsibility and worry allow you to carry on in a mode where you merely are surviving. But that’s not living — at least not living your best life.

Maybe the world owes you something. But I truly doubt it.

Especially not if you are just sitting around with a sneer on your mug waiting for someone to make a path to your door and bring you what you think you deserve.

So, rather than waiting for the good stuff to smack you in the face, go out and make some. No matter how busy you are today, you have time to smile and say something nice to a stranger.

  • Or compliment your co-worker.
  • Or spend extra time goofing off with your kid.
  • Check in on a neighbor.
  • Tell the grocery checker what a great job they are doing (trust me, they are).
  • When is the last time you left a little love note for your partner?



Timothy Key

Retired from fire service after 26 years. Writer and world traveler. I believe compassion, grace and gratitude are contagious and should be spread liberally.