Get Organized at Home

Clear the Clutter

Katherine G. MacRae


Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash

Have you ever purchased something at the store only to discover a short while later that you had already owned the same or similar enough item that you found tucked away at home?

I hate to admit I have done this more than once. I’ve also purchased pre-season, shoes, boots, gloves and jackets, forgetting what I already owned. As I stored away seasonal clothes, coats, hats, gloves and footwear for the offseason, out of sight was out of mind.

Now I have a rule that I am not to purchase seasonal clothing, outerwear or footwear until I have gone through my seasonal trove and know what I already have and what may need replacing.

Chances are I don’t really need to buy or replace anything wearable for the change of season and can get by just fine with what I already own. I would probably do well to part with some of it too.

Unless you (regretfully?) jumped into the Tiny House living phenomenon, I think most of us (in North America) have a lot of stuff we don’t need.

Are your closets stuffed full of clothes you haven’t worn in years? Does your basement resemble a junkyard? Can your car barely fit your garage because of an excess of kid’s toys, yard tools and stuff you haven’t used in years but thought you just might need someday?



Katherine G. MacRae

Inspiring the Super Hero in You! Leadership Success Coach/Trainer/Speaker/Writer