Get Promoted and a Raise in Just 4 Steps When Talking to Your Boss

Crucial conversations can make or break your career and relationships. Find out the tips to having constructive dialogues.

Tom Niklas
6 min readOct 18, 2023


Photo by June O on Unsplash

Dear friends, good evening! I am Tom Niklas, a seasoned writer and reviewer. Welcome everyone to the Tom’s ReadVault, please subscribe me and join us in reading 100 books a year together.

Today, I would like to share with you a bestselling book I recently read “Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High”. In this insightful book, Dr. Kerry Patterson masterfully dissects the difficulties we often face during high-stakes conversations, and offers an entire toolkit of actionable techniques to navigate crucial dialogues skillfully. Reading this illuminating book has been an eye-opening and rewarding experience for me.

To begin with, the author introduces the concept of “crucial conversations”. These refer to dialogues where the stakes are high, opinions clash, and emotions run strong. Examples include marital disputes over emotional issues, salary negotiations between employees and bosses, or discussions over academic performance between parents and children. We encounter such conversations frequently in daily life. However, we often fumble during crucial conversations, either dodging issues altogether or handling them very poorly. Thus, we urgently need to acquire skills for steering crucial conversations successfully.

So why do we fail so frequently during crucial conversations? It is because when faced with them, our brains struggle to think rationally and are more easily held hostage by intense emotions, reverting to primal “fight or flight” responses. Consider this scenario — a married couple attends a neighbor’s party, and the wife suspects inappropriate intimacy between her husband and another woman. At home, a bitter quarrel ensues — a classic crucial conversation. In such situations, their brains can barely hold measured discussions and easily spiral into uncontrollable fury or avoidance.

Specifically, our brains lose control in two ways — either we get angry and lash out at the other person impulsively, or we shrink away and clam up. This traces back to our primal responses when facing threats — fight or flee. Hence, during crucial conversations, our minds draw blanks, unable to articulate our thoughts, or blurt out hurtful words. As a debater, I frequently regret being unable to voice prepared arguments during contests — a shared plight.

Thus, when stakes run high, we often demonstrate two undesirable outcomes — either hurting others and losing composure, or avoiding issues altogether. How can we change this status quo? The author assures us that some individuals do become adept at crucial conversations, firm in conviction yet fully respectful, able to find win-win solutions. By mastering their techniques, we too can handle any crucial dialogue successfully, without fumbling conversations.

To become adept at crucial conversations, proper preparation is indispensable. The author explains two vital elements in preparing for them: first, getting in the right frame of mind; second, conducting self-guiding reflections.

Let’s look at getting in the right frame of mind. The author advises that before entering crucial dialogues, we should ready ourselves inwardly and maintain calm composure. Consider a parent-child conversation about grades — immensely challenging for any parent. Without mental preparation, parents might displace frustrations onto children during dialogues, instead of addressing real issues. This hurts children without solving problems. Conversely, by conducting self-guiding reflections — “What do I hope to achieve here? How can this conversation benefit my child and our relationship?” — parents can reframe constructively.

Next, we conduct self-guiding reflections by asking four key questions before each crucial dialogue. First, what is my goal here? Second, what do I hope the other party gains? Third, what should this relationship achieve? Fourth, how can I act to meet these goals? Patiently reflecting on these helps regain calm and discover mutually beneficial perspectives before starting.

While seemingly simple, these questions are tremendously important. Successful crucial conversations require the right mindset from the onset. Only by preparing this way can we positively influence the process and outcome, instead of being passive participants. For us, the implications are profound.

Once conversing, which steps ensure success? First, share factual events leading to your views, not just abstract opinions or conclusions. For instance, when requesting a raise from the boss, share tenure, current pay, and past performance to convey your perspective.

Next, express thoughts cautiously, premised on stated facts, framing opinions as personal views, not definitive facts. With the raise example, convey wanting the boss to consider a raise, but avoid insistent demands.

Thirdly, solicit the other’s standpoint sincerely, aiming to understand their reasoning. Adopt a humble, open demeanor instead of skeptical challenges.

Finally, actively encourage differing views, conveying eagerness to comprehend other angles.

Additionally, when negative reactions occur, observe carefully and employ techniques to restore conversational security, like apologizing or identifying common ground to get dialogue back on track. Saying “I’m sorry if I communicated poorly, I truly respect your advice” goes a long way. In short, these steps provide clear guidance for smooth crucial conversations, which we should diligently practice and internalize, gradually improving through experience.

Mastering these techniques can steer us through successful crucial conversations, but only with repeated practice and real-world refinement. Ultimately, they will empower us to become true masters of dialogue.

Through the preceding content, we have systematically learned a range of techniques for conducting crucial conversations. In closing, let me briefly summarize some key principles for mastering such dialogues.

Firstly, the author emphasizes the vital principle of “learning to observe.” This means maintaining keen awareness of the conversational process — noting whether you and the other person are engaged in true dialogue. At the first sign of deviation, immediately course-correct. Consider a marital dispute on child-rearing veering into accusatory bickering. The couple must swiftly realize they have exited dialogue and take steps to restore a calm, open exchange.

Secondly, “maintaining a sense of safety” is another crucial principle. We must make our counterpart feel continuously respected and understood for candid conversations to unfold. Expressing goodwill and soliciting their viewpoint builds necessary trust. Only with safety can differences be explored through free-flowing communication.

Next, regulate your own thoughts and avoid quick anger. State facts, understand others, and build consensus — that is the sequence of a successful crucial conversation.

I believe the mindsets and techniques presented in this book can greatly benefit our handling of vital dialogues in work and life. It emphasizes absolute respect and sincerity from both parties. It advises adjusting mentally before conversations and attending to the process during them. It recommends seeking common ground amidst disagreements, not insisting on winner-take-all arguments. These insights have enlightened me profoundly. Mastering crucial conversations requires sustained practice, but the rewards will also be tremendous. I am confident we can all gain immensely from this book, progressively improving our conversational skills! Let us strive together to become masters of dialogue!

In summary, I strongly recommend carefully studying Crucial Conversations. It provides actionable techniques to better navigate the pitfalls of high-stakes dialogues — greatly enriching our work and lives. Reading this book will allow us to handle interpersonal relationships with greater versatility and composure. I hope you will all benefit from its wisdom! Thank you for listening!

Photo by Free Walking Tour Salzburg on Unsplash

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Tom Niklas

Book reviews focused on family, growth, mental health & biz finance, helping busy readers benefit from books without time to fully digest them.