Get Ready for the Roaring 20s

Pandemic rebound risk

Paul Coogan


Photo by author

This new decade might be a replay of one a century ago though it must be said: “Past performance does not guarantee future returns”. Humanity is just not that simple.

“…it all ended with Black Tuesday and Grapes of Wrath starvation.”

The recent election has brought hope and optimism to me, even with the immense amount of work ahead to right this ship called democracy. The fiscal policies of the new Biden administration are showing to be both supportive of liberal ideals and evidence-based action. This is the kind of government that will restore the U.S. economy while tempering it with equity.

Improved trade agreements and the eventual removal of tariffs will create a good business environment. Combine this with the elation brought by a successful vaccine rollout and I would expect consumer optimism to be on the rise as well.

My hunches were supported by a recent NPR story about the roar in the roaring twenties being started by a social rebound after the Spanish Flu pandemic. People became extremely social after a long period of limited social interactions. This time we can again expect crowded restaurants and farmer’s markets, though I doubt we will see narrow fringed flapper dresses in those crowds. Cruise lines…



Paul Coogan

(he/him/his) Project Manager, Artist, and Data Visualization/Activist Geek