Get rid of daily dramas just by this simple understanding.

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2 min read2 days ago

From morning to night, we see many things in front of our eyes. We experience rapidly changing emotions, and learn about many dramas, chit-chats, and people — people who are kind, humble, generous, nasty, funny, and more. But what we see from dusk to down even matters?

People who have a vast understanding of life keep themselves away from movie scenes. This doesn’t mean they are not involved, but they don’t put their mind so much into unimportant things.

I see some people talk about a detached way of living. By saying detached they mean living in a society with partial involvement. They will be in public but with tough faces and will not talk and laugh freely. I call it the constipated way of living.

It doesn’t feel nice when you don’t participate. It feels less like a human when you don’t listen, show sympathy, feel what others are feeling, and don’t join people in their happiness, sadness, loss, and achievements.

So, you may find peace that way but be ready for time-to-time unbearable loneliness.

In reality, detached living means being least affected at night by things you have gone through the whole day.

Detachment means sitting in the back seat while observing how the mind and body are driving these days.

Detachment means seeing yourself as a consciousness and your mind and body as part of you. It means observing what they experience in day-to-day life while being least affected by it.

You become detached when you have a vast understanding, and you know this is not it but there are things beyond life and death. After that, you lose the capability to give power to daily dramas.

You don’t become detached by acting tough, but by the understanding that you are only ‘consciousness’, and this mind and body are temporary, that will fall off and only you will last.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

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