Getting Amazon to Contribute to Your Favorite Non-Profit

Philip Siddons
Published in
5 min readOct 23, 2021


Image by author.
Image by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

“Wouldn’t it be great to have a winning lottery ticket and be able to make a big donation to our favorite non-profit The Feminist Foundation?” Linda said at breakfast this morning.¹

¹ “The Feminist Foundation” is, as far as is known, a fictitious organization invented only for this article. You can substitute any non-profit organization to use this tool.

‘That’s a terrific idea,” I said, “but first we have to buy a lottery ticket. The chances of us winning are pretty slim. We’ve never played the lottery.”

Linda said, “I’ve got an idea, and it won’t cost a cent and the organization can get some additional revenue through targeted donations. Amazon will donate .5% of whatever we spend to the charity of our choice.”

“You’re talking about Amazon’s Smile donation program, right?” I replied.

“Yes,” Linda responded. “All we have to do is log in to Amazon at their Smile portal and order our usual products.”

“Any contributions would benefit the Foundation and it’s easy to set up. We’re buying things from Amazon anyway. We could be helping the non-profit by…



Philip Siddons

Working to create egalitarian communities which seek gender, racial & economic justice. | |