Getting in the Groove

Finding the groove with your creativity and staying there

J. Sharland Day


The creative mind can be a blessing and a curse.

The ‘blessings’ are obvious, but the ‘curse’ comes when your mind conjures up so many magnificent ideas that it doesn’t know where to begin with any of them.

But finally, when something percolates to the top of the list, and a few brush strokes have struck the canvas, or a few notes to that song in your head have been plucked or plinked, or the first line to a bestselling story is on the computer or notepad, the awwwwes that come forth and the relief you feel in your brain are worth a sit-back-and-think moment. I did it! I’ve begun a project! I’ve found the groove.

But can you stay there?

That euphoric feeling of beginning a dream for real is amazing. You continue. It goes well. But then your rapt attention to the project at hand becomes joggled, the groove tilts. And because it was easier than expected to actually get started, you’ve allowed your thoughts to conjure up yet another brilliant idea you’d like to see through.

And just so you won’t forget that fabulous new spark of genius, you begin writing it down, sketching it, or making note of those notes that your mind is singing. But, before you realize it, your first project is…



J. Sharland Day

Writer of suspense, thriller, travel, romance, erotica, paranormal & poetry. @JSharlandDay