Getting the Best out of “Shiny Object Syndrome”

How to Deal with Every New Entrepreneurs Nightmare

Jude C.
7 min readJul 8, 2020


When you start out as an entrepreneur (nobody is born an entrepreneur), For some — They know in their hearts what they want to do — Selling physical products e.g shoes. This could be from having people at a very young age who also did these things.

For most of us who are Switching from a career part to something lucrative we can do online — It is always about the money first.

You would chase the passion later.

You want the fastest way to start seeing results.

So you switch from the new course that tells you “Earn $10,000 in 3 easy steps with Affiliate Marketing” — you get in and see that it is closer to 300 steps for you (as you are just starting out) and you start looking for something else while half-hardheartedly going through the one you have(mostly when you pay for it).

Next, you hear of a “new opportunity” to make $20,000 in 2 easier steps with drop shipping (no technical knowledge on your part )— You buy and 2 days into the course you see it is closer to 200 steps and you need to learn how to do so many basic things.

10 “new courses” later you have gotten so many new courses and cannot seem to find what works as none has given you the desired results.

Not because they do not work but because you have yet to give The one thing your full attention.

This is a problem most Entrepreneurs face and it is termed “Shiny object syndrome” — I suffer from this but right now it is paying dividends in so many ways.

“ At its core, shiny object syndrome (SOS) is a disease of distraction, and it affects entrepreneurs specifically because of the qualities that make them unique.Entrepreneurs tend to be highly motivated. They crave new technology and new developments. And they aren’t afraid to start new projects and create new things.

Ordinarily, these are great characteristics, but when SOS sets in, it forces you to chase project after project, and change after change, never settling with one option.

It’s called shiny object syndrome because it’s the entrepreneurial equivalent of a small child chasing after shiny objects. Once they get there and see what the object is, they immediately lose interest and start chasing the next thing. For entrepreneurs, rather than literal shiny objects, SBOs may be business objectives, marketing strategies, clients or even other business ventures.”


While everyone would lead you to believe that shinny object syndrome is a bad thing — it is a perfect place to start, if you are just getting started — it is bound to pay of in ways you cannot begin to imagine.

It is your opportunity to test opportunities to find the part of least resistant. That one thing you would never get tired of doing or learning more about

Why you should Embrace Shiny objects?

When you are starting out as an entrepreneur and looking for something to build — most times you have no idea what is good or bad for you.

Building anything profitable takes a lot of time and learning on your part. it would require lots of success and failure to get you the desired results you envision for yourself.

You should start out experimenting with different things that interests you and see where your strengths lies.

I started out with Affiliate Marketing (this is where my shiny object began). I’ve tried my hands at drop shipping(still do), learned about freelance writings(blog posts, articles etc) tried to shoot videos on YouTube and Tiktok, be active on Instagram and pinterest. I learnt and developed keyword research skills.

I had tried several things to make money offline prior to this. e.r I used to write project thesis for students — this required lots of research on my part.

When I started online — the lowest barrier to entry was Affiliate Marketing. No product, just live on commissions.

However choosing a niche was a problem for me — I wanted something that would pay me. So I’d copy what other affiliate marketers where doing without know WHY. They reviewed a product— I did too. someone changed the sites landing page — o tried to update mine too.

They would make sales — I would not. However I learned to do so much.

Working in a community with successful people and not many successes meant I was always on the lookout for what I did not know.

If you do not try new things and allow yourself the pleasures of new experiences — you’d never know what is good or not good for you.

“ There are a 1000 legitimate ways to Make Money online. Those that succeed are usually people who enjoy what they do and show up each day.”

Showing up each day meant practice. Practice Makes Perfect.

I realized this and everything changed.

You have to be on the lookout to find where your passion (something you would enjoy doing day in day out) — meets results(that would be profitable if you stick to it)

The trick here is not to get attached — if something doesn't work — you should quit and try doing something else. You would have learned and picked up a few useful skills that would be great for you down the line. e.g I bought a video editor software for my YouTube videos however use it now to design beautiful videos for ads I run for small businesses.

The Beauty of Neophilia

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Neophilia is simply defined as love of or enthusiasm for what is new or novel.

Without trying “new things” out — How would you know what you like and what you don’t?

The problem is most new entrepreneurs stay in this phase for too long — which should not be.

The shiny object syndrome should be a phase of stretching your imaginations to see what you can do and see skills that suit you and where they overlap.

Once you figure this out — you can then drop every other thing and focus on building where the part of least resistance if for you.

I have dropped the video aspects of trying to make money online for now while I focus on the parts I enjoy — Which involves writing and Research.

This is where my skills and passions overlap.

Getting The Best Out Of Shiny Object Syndrome

To get the best out of your shiny object syndrome you need to take a day and figure out where the part of least resistance to the money you want lies.

After you have tried

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Drop shipping
  • MLM
  • Facebook Ads
  • YouTube Videos
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Tiktok
  • Social Media Marketing

Where is the part of least resistance for you? — You know these are all profitable niches because you got in from seeing someone else results.

Now it is time to think of the “work” that precedes the reward — which of these do you enjoy the process?

The life you want is linked to the amount of pain you are willing to endure.

  • Do you enjoy writing more than videos?
  • Do you enjoy reviewing other peoples product?
  • Do you prefer shooting videos?
  • Do you want to own a business and be your own boss?

You can see that these questions would help you figure out where you should channel your energy and focus. You have had the chance to taste different business models.

You have an idea what would be required of you everyday.

Now you can RUTHLESSLY cut of the parts that no longer serve you

Don't buy any new course not related to what you want to learn and stick wholeheartedly to the things you enjoy , are profitable and lead to the part of least resistance for you.

This is how yo get the best out of shiny object syndrome and you should actually enjoy a few months(3 at the most — mine was closer to 9) of shiny object syndrome as you would only know whats good for you by having a taste

Bonus tips

Look for credible programs that offer free trials and stick to the ones that you enjoy before you pay a dime.

If you are interested in trying out Affiliate Marketing to see if it is for you, get my Newsletter and get YOUR FREE 7 day email marketing course on the Affiliate Marketing.



Jude C.

Want to make more money sending emails people read and buy from? —Let's talk. Send a message to: