Gift of Prophecy? Or Is it Fakery?

I have an answer.

James Frank Sanders


Photo by Hannah Jacobson on Unsplash

Jeane Dixon was famous (or infamous) for her prognostications.

My awareness came when she walked into my grocery store excited. “Ruth Montgomery has written and published my Biography”.

“A Gift Of Prophecy: The Phenomenal Jeane Dixon.”

The book came out in 1965 and sold over 3 million copies. It told the story of how she had predicted the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and how she almost got the name of the killer, Oswald. It covered many of her other predictions.

Jeane became one of the best-known American self-proclaimed psychics and astrologists of the twentieth century. After her biography came out, she started her syndicated newspaper column with some well-publicized predictions. She was close to the White House. She was an astrologer for Nancy Reagan.

Jeane Dixon predicts Wars

In her book The Call to Glory, she predicted an apocalyptic war of Armageddon would occur in 2020. Perhaps she was speaking of the coronavirus war and the civil unrest that we are experiencing now.

In her next book My Life and Prophecies she predicted war between China and Russia, between 2025 snd…



James Frank Sanders

97-year-old Jim Sanders chronicles life as a senior citizen. He has lived a long time and has stories to tell.