Gin’s a Summer Tonic

In anticipation of seasonal change

Brooke Ramey Nelson
Published in
Jun 5, 2022


Author’s Archives.

Dodging raindrops
thunder pops,

we had time to toast
to an impending
season we know will roast

us with its presence in a few —
when it comes creeping
with that sticky dew.

But I know gin
will always keep us calm —
and steady, for the win .

A soothing tonic
for restless souls
still feeling a little sick

from life’s lived labors,
getting way too much to handle.
And all the more’s

the reason to Tanqueray —
or so the company’s adverts
always seem to say.



Brooke Ramey Nelson

Native Texan & Mizzou Journalism grad. I’ve worked in newspapers, politics, PR & as a high school pubs adviser/AP English teacher. TOP WRITER?