Give Me 4 Minutes And I Will Boost Your Self-Confidence

Okaneme Joseph
Published in
4 min readJun 17, 2023
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Self Confidence comes from several factors one of which is ABILITY. The ability to do a particular task or surmount a particular hurdle gives a lot of self-confidence. However, the lack of the same also stems from certain factors among which are: Over-expectations, Lack of Self Trust and several other reasons


Are you that person that feels that there are too many expectations of you by others? Do you feel weighed down by the version of you that people wants to see?? Do you find yourself striving to become something else when your real self speaks volumes against it???

If you are, I think it’s time to let off some steam, it’s not fair to compare yourself to others, your timezones and even growth rate are different. You grow differently, at different times, at different rates, and at different paces. This however doesn’t mean you are mediocre it instead points to your individuality. Say to yourself I am Me, not someone else’s version of me. Allow yourself to grow at the pace that ensures you don’t break down or blackout.

The fact that a top student is reading at night doesn’t mean you should read at night too when you know that you’re not the type that keeps awake at night. If you persist and try to read at night, you will end up performing poorly than if you had read during the day.

Self Trust

You can lose trust in yourself when you fail to meet a target or a milestone. This can only occur when you have either Overestimated your abilities or You don’t know your limits. A quick tip for recovering your self-trust and general Self-Confidence is to note Your Strengths and weaknesses. Know the points where you excel better than others and the points where you lose out compared to others, it’s called an Area of Specialisation.

Using the previous illustration, You might be that person that can’t do much aside from sleeping at night, this is an evident weakness in itself, and you can only be in error when you compete with your weakness. You know clearly that when it gets to 10 pm your eyes are giving you signals to let them rest, and you want to do an all-night reading. You will end up faring worse than you could have done during the day.

Instead, get better on your turf (your strengths and area of specialisation) and work on your weakness, that way you won’t lose out to someone in the area of your strength. This way you can regain trust and confidence in yourself

No Room For Failure

Humans are averse to failure and loss. Some are even scared of it. Failure if seen from outside your imagination of it, can prove to be helpful. Failure is your second chance to do better at something you already have a first-hand experience of.

It’s just like replaying a level of a particular game you failed previously. You would discover that you might still fail again but not at the same point as your last failure. Why? You already have intel that’s not available to newbies or in other words, someone who hasn’t failed.

Why then would you allow yourself to fail so many times in a game and still keep playing it and then you don’t give your heart the chance to consider failure an option??? Why Don’t You delete the game after you failed the first time?? But you’re entire being comes crashing down after you fail. The answer is simple you didn’t create room for failure in your plans.

I know it sounds weird, but allow yourself to fail. Yes, make failure an option, so that when you fail it doesn’t make you crash. This however doesn’t mean you won’t put your energy into doing something or you just do a half-assed job. In this case, you would only come out as mediocre.

However, when commencing a project or task, put in your all, but always leave room in your heart for eventualities and the unexpected so your mind doesn’t experience blackout and you would be better prepared when you attempt next time. Failure is a platform for analysing and learning again where you went wrong. This platform isn’t always available when you succeed or should I say isn’t visited when you succeed.

Lastly, Know Your Limits, know when it’s time to call a quit, know when you’re exhausted completely and when you’re just being lazy. Know when it’s time to forge ahead and know when it’s time to take a Big Break

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Okaneme Joseph

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