Glued WPP (Work, Passion, and Pray) in Your Head

Case Study of Mine in Eliminating dozens of negative energies

Eka Pramudita D
6 min readOct 9, 2022


Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

As an adult, working is a part of our daily activity. We just repeat it over and over again. But do you ever feel bored or tired while doing it? Or not feeling highly motivated to get things done? Or even feeling empty after you achieve your goal?

Well, WPP is the motto that can help you to eliminate dozens of negative energies! Let’s dive in!

A motto is a short sentence or phrase that expresses a belief. WPP stands for Work, Passion, and Pray! It is the motto that can change my life better. Sounds… strange, isn’t it? 🤔 Like, how come?

At the beginning, it was strange, but since I adopted it into my life, it feels fantastic! 🥂 Thanks to my friend from senior high who inspired me with this motto.

Back to the topic. So, how are those three words linked to each other? Let me give you some explanation from my perspective.

  • You decide to pray when you feel “crazy” about something and are highly motivated by it. After that, what will happen if you just wait, wait and wait without spending your energy to reach it? It’s just a zero result because, for me, when we want to get something, it is not only we pray it to our God, but it must be supported with our effort.
  • The opposite of the previous point, imagine you are in one condition when you hope everything is fine, but you forget your morning prayer. Then, you decide to start getting busy immediately and feeling so energized about getting it done quickly; But, it’s pretty often that maybe you get stuck because of something else, get any obstacles or distractions to prevent the job from being done.
  • Lastly, when you pray and hope everything is running smoothly, then you start working on finishing your task. Unfortunately, you feel a bit tired because of less sleep, get distraction by something that bothers you, or even something that does not raise the mood will be just a zero result. Why? Because you just lost your self-motivation.

Ehm.. okay, I got the point. But what if you feel a bit bored with what you have been working on for many years?

This question may be coming to your mind now. That is very normal because I ever at this stage before. The stage where it pushes you to walk out from your job and start doing another thing.

You need to find the root cause! I asked myself and observed my teammates then I found a key answer of it: Evaluate yourself. Take time to get alone, relax, focus and try to ask some questions to yourself.

Are you not feeling passionate enough about your work?

When Monday comes, you said to yourself, “Oh my god. It’s already Monday again!”

You already saw this meme, right? 😆. Maybe you are working a job that doesn’t bring you joy so you can make ends meet, or you have been stuck doing the same work for years because it is all you have ever known.

I define passion as simply the work you love to do. When you do your hobby, it can make you feel so passionate. You know that feeling, right? 😃

Remember what kind of work excites you and what work you are committed to. Once you know the answer, you will realize that when you feel passionate about your work, no matter what, time will fly when you get involved. This is because you are deeply committed to doing this work. You do whatever it takes to accomplish the task and stay with it for the long run. And when you finish, you’ll feel proud of whatever you created or produced. You’ll know the whole time that it’s worth it. It’s possible to be passionate about your work and make a great living simultaneously.

Did you have a chance to advance your career?

You want to advance your career further when you work at a company. Of course, you already have a plan to achieve it based on the career path provided by your company. Your position level raise means your salary increased as well. But, sometimes, you get stuck because you won’t have the opportunity to move up the ladder. Is it the end of your career? Big No. Maybe some people keep doing with the process of his or her career, but others not. You have a chance to stay or walk in a different way in your career.

Are you not being challenged enough?

Working a job that’s a piece of cake for you might sound fun right now. You already know the business flow, so you just need a little “touch up” (or, I say, as an enhancement), less stress, etc., right? But the reality is that doing something below your skill level can get old quickly. It’s not arrogant to admit that some jobs are too easy, and you want a more enormous mountain to climb.

To prevent all of that, there are two ways I usually do:

  1. Set my main goals personally 🥅
    I am a person who always takes the initiative to create a goal for myself in advancing my career further. I set a few challenges and develop some ideas I want to achieve for the next 6 months. Afterwards, I discuss the ideas to sort out the priorities with my teammates or my leader. At that point, try to get some advice, including new ideas from their point of view. Then, re-organize and reevaluate it after 6 months.
  2. Know when I have to take a break 🛌
    This is so important; Because I am working from home (WFH), I usually take a nap for 10–20 minutes during a lunch break, watch some YouTube videos, get up and stretch, or do whatever helps me recharge. When working at the office, I usually schedule around 5–10 minutes of break throughout the day (in addition to your lunch break). Get up, stretch, take a quick walk, talk to a friend, etc. Then, when your time’s up, go back to work. If these breaks aren’t possible at your workplace, at least ensure you completely disconnect from work at the end of the day. Put away your phone when you get home, don’t answer any work emails, and get a good night’s sleep. Trust me, you’ll be less likely to feel bored and spaced out the next day!

Wow! Thank you for your pieces of advice. What about the prayer? Is it really helpful?

Well, it really affects me so much. Before that, I rarely pray to God early in the morning. Instead, I simply wake up each morning and start being busy with my work, So I will likely miss God’s blessings and opportunities on that day. Because of that, I am starting to set a daily discipline of beginning with prayer. Ask God to reveal His plans for you every day. Ask Him to open your eyes to what He is doing around you. Suppose you are spiritually prepared by beginning with a prayer. In that case, you will be able to see the opportunities when they come.

Even though the impact you give is small, if you try to give your very best, a big reward will be given to you, no matter when and how you will get it soon!

Here we are at the closing part. I will be excited if it helps you a bit after reading my story 😄.

Clasp, follow and comment! Cheers!



Eka Pramudita D

Someone who consciously entered the IT world. Loves drawing, eating, watching football or documentaries about anything else!