Goal-Setting Hacks to Unlock Success

Hint: SMART Goals are a good start, not the whole answer.

Rashida Beal


Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

As the year comes to a close, one of the most popular activities circles back around: New Year’s Resolutions.

In reality, there’s no bad time to set goals and get your life on track. A lot of people choose the new year as a time to reinvent. But, if you just missed the cuff and are reading this in February, don’t sweat it. June? Perfectly fine.

But around this time, people start talking a lot about goal-setting. Those “billionaire morning routines” with ridiculous 4:00 am wake-up calls circulate and everyone tries to invent the best version of themselves to live up to.

The reality is that 8% of people follow through with their resolutions. The vast majority fail to reach the goals they set.


They set themselves up for doom with goals that weren’t right for them. Having a solid “SMART” goal is great, but it’s not the whole answer.

There’s a lot more that goes into creating goals you’ll stick with.

Let me break down what I do to set goals I’ll reach.

Find Your “Why”



Rashida Beal

Professional athlete, psychology graduate, & freelance writer. Sharing my life lessons, writing advice, and musings. Want to support? ko-fi.com/rashidabeal