God, Bill Gates, and the Divine Laugh Attack

It’s THE reason why I don’t lose hope

Gary David Flamberg
3 min readSep 1, 2022


“God laughing” template (courtesy of imgflp.com)

The world is losing (or has lost) its collective mind. That’s not exactly a newsflash. Up is down. Down is up. Injustice abounds. And there’s no shortage of billionaire oligarch puppet-masters dictating how we should live.

Meanwhile, the God Who created the earth is laughing.

About this “God laugh attack”

I see the world through the prism of Scripture. (Click here to read up on my personal story.) As such, I grieve over the world’s condition. But I don’t despair. You see, I know the One Who has the final word.

Right now, He’s probably laughing. In fact, He may be in stitches, doubling over! He looks at looks at the oligarchs who think they’re oh-so-wise. (You know who I’m talking about — Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, et al.) He sees their arrogance and pride. He sees what idiots they have become in their thinking.

Refusing to acknowledge His sovereignty over the earth, these men (and women) think they know how to run the planet. So they’ve set out devising this plan they call “The Great Reset.” That’s the ingenious initiative designed to hyper-control the masses. You know, the “you’ll-own-nothing-and-you’ll-like-it” plan?

They are fools. They are so stupid, they actually believe their own idiocy. Oh sure, they can recreate humanity by way of transhumanism. They can create chaos so as to bring their one-world utopia out of it. They can control the masses for a short season.

But in the end, they are mere men (and women) who will die and return to the dust like everyone else.

And to think they think they are gods! It’s beyond idiotic.

I myself am suppressing a laugh attack just thinking about it.

The futility of the puppet-masters

As I mentioned, these people are puppet-masters. That means they — and not the various heads of state — control what goes on in the world (or at least they think they do). So you might call them “kings.”

Here’s what an Israelite king who lived some 3000 years ago had to say about them and their plans:

The kings of the earth rise up
and the rulers band together
against the LORD and against His anointed, saying,
‘Let us break off their chains
and throw off their shackles.’

The One enthroned in heaven laughs,
the LORD scoffs at them.
He rebukes them in His anger
and terrifies them in His wrath…” (Psalm 2:2–5)

We may be thinking these puppet-masters want to rush humanity off of a cliff so they can take over.

But in reality, they are rushing themselves off of a cliff.

What He is NOT laughing at

God is not “laughing” at us. He is not laughing at our pain. To the contrary, our pain grieves Him. Our brokenness breaks His heart. Our oppression kindles His wrath against our enemies.

Something else He’s not laughing it is our rebellion. Yes, you heard that correction: our rebellion. It isn’t just the Bill Gates of this world who have shaken their fist at God. We all have. Every last one of us.

The desire of His heart

What He longs for is for each of us to turn to Him. He longs for each of us to un-clench our fist toward Him and fall on our knees in repentance.

He longs to love on us. He longs to lift each of us out of the ash heap of our misery and seat us on His eternal lap.

But to enjoy His favor, we each have to drop our sword. We have to release those who have wronged and even oppressed us. And yes, that may include Bill Gates and company.

For who knows but that He longs to have mercy on them also!!!!!



Gary David Flamberg

Bringing out the authentic writer in you (with a side helping of culture, faith, and plain ole' life wisdom!)