Going Viral: How I Got 40k+ Views on Medium in Just 72 Hours

50k+ views in a week. 60k+ views in 15 days. $1000 two weeks in—and this is how I did it

Nishi Kashyap


Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

It all started a couple of months back when I was in the midst of figuring my passion, one day I came across Youtube recommendations of Shelby Church's video “Making Money Online Writing for Medium… Is It Worth Your Time?”. And being a seeker of passion, I clicked on that video.

And oh man I glad I did.

Inspired by her video, I started writing on Medium. Before I read a couple of Medium stories but didn’t start publishing stories until February. You can say, I jumped into the deep sea of content writing without having a single clue of how to swim and survive.

I created a medium account in February and published my first post on Feb 24. But that post only got 63 views so far in a week.

My second post got fewer views than the first one i.e. 26 views. Definitely not great. I mean my views should be increasing but things were going exactly opposite.

March 2nd, the day I published my 3rd post, and that’s when all hell broke loose.

My story “The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century Isn’t ‘Sexy’ Anymore” got only 400 views the very first day. And on the…



Nishi Kashyap

Mystique Writer: tech, coding, life, self improvement, money and much more. Love to Laugh & Read and obviously SLEEP😴