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Good leaders have the right questions, not all the answers.

Let’s all try a leadership approach where trust generates more trust.

Jair Ribeiro
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2021


Many leaders are too focused on getting many responses — and not in a healthy search of potential and asking the right questions. It is time to recalibrate.

Although what you might think, voicing weakness and asking for support, clarity, or feedback does not recognize the strength of the trust and yet another sign of strength. The right questions tell you trust is being reciprocated, which shows trust is being given.

Giving trust generates more trust. It is often not about you talking more, but about your team members talking less and coordinating their efforts with you.

For example, rather than asking your team about an opportunity, you have found, ask them what they see as the opportunity and what they think they should bring to it.

A big, simple question like this can encourage a burst of teamwork and innovation around the company. And suppose you consistently show a question-first mentality.

In that case, you’ll help create an overall culture of curiosity and learning that will keep your team innovating and reacting to challenges effectively.



Jair Ribeiro

Top #5 Global AI Thought Leader, Father, Writer, and Reader