
Erum Khalid
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2022
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

I have said the dreaded goodbye…

and it has shattered my world to pieces!

as if I have lost a part of myself…

That part which had become my whole personality,

The part which was very dear to me,

I have lost that part, with all my intentions, not to bring it again in my life!

but the memories…

what do you do of memories?

you cannot get rid of them…

they stay with you forever, ready to show up randomly in the subtlety of your mundane life

— whenever you cook their favorite food,

— whenever you listen to their favorite songs,

— whenever you hear the phrases they often use, when someone else uses them

the memories will eat you away!

And the heartbreaks that follow bring an equal amount of grief and sadness, if not less.

— who would listen to the trivial details of my life now

— who would I turn to whenever I feel the gushing sense of sadness and anxiety

— who would call me odd names to tease me


The tragedy of losing your loved ones is the greatest of all tragedies!

I have said the dreaded goodbye

and it has rocked my world to the core!



Erum Khalid

Content Writer | Open for work | Niches: Writing, Relationships, Parenting, Pets, Technology, whatnot :)