Google Chrome Tip: Navigating Your Tabs

A simple, sanity-saving tip

Jacquelyn Lynn


Image created by Jacquelyn Lynn using MockupShots

There is no limit to the number of tabs you can have open in Google Chrome.

Email. Calendar. Social media. Google docs. Google sheets. Online apps. Various websites. And on and on.

But when you have multiple tabs open, especially in different windows, how do you quickly and easily get to the tab you want?

Here’s a simple, sanity-saving tip:

CTRL + Shift + A

A sidebar will pop up, showing all your open and recently closed tabs. It includes a search function so you don’t have to scroll through the list. From there, you can jump to tabs or close the ones you don’t need.

The sidebar will close when you click off of it.

Here’s another great Chrome tip:

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Jacquelyn Lynn

Inspirational author, business ghostwriter. Need some great quotes? Get “A Book of Proverbs: Wisdom of the Ages” free. Download at