Gossamer Dreams: Dancing with Moonbeams

Sara Mrlin
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2023

A Poem

Photo by Armand Khoury on Unsplash

In Twilight’s embrace, we find our escape,

Into a realm where dreams and moonbeams drape.

Gossamer threads of enchantment, they weave,

As we dance with the moon in a celestial eve.

The night sky above, a velvet canvas so vast,

We splashed with shimmering stars, a spell it casts.

We twirl and we spin, in a graceful ballet,

Captivated by the moon’s brilliant display.

Our spirits take flight on ethereal wings,

Through galaxies unknown, where magic sings.

With every step, our hearts become light,

Guided by moonbeams, igniting the night.

In this mystical realm, dreams come alive,

Whispering secrets only the moon can derive.

Our aspirations shimmer like stardust’s gleam,

As we surrender to gossamer dreams.

We chase moonlit fantasies, wild and free,

Embracing the night’s serenity, you and me.

Hand in hand, we paint the sky with delight,

Blending our dreams with the moon’s gentle light.

The world below fades as we soar above,

Lost in a waltz with the moon that we love.

Gossamer dreams entwine with our souls,

As we dance with moonbeams, fulfilling our roles.

For in this nocturnal symphony we find,

A haven of wonder, where dreams unwind.

Gossamer dreams, like delicate lace,

Leave traces of magic on our earthly embrace.

So let us embrace this ethereal trance,

Where gossamer dreams and moonbeams enhance.

Together we’ll dance, in this moonlit scheme,

Forever enchanted by gossamer dreams.



Sara Mrlin

Hi there! I am a poetry writer with a passion for crafting words into beautiful expressions of the human experience.