Gaming News

Grand Theft Auto 6 May See the Light of Day as Early as 2024

It’s plausible that Rockstar could be preparing to unveil the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto 6 earlier than anticipated.

Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)
Published in
7 min readMay 18, 2023


Image by ThankYouFantasyPictures from Pixabay

In my previous stories, I’ve talked about the juicy details of the upcoming Grand Theft Auto game, Grand Theft Auto 6. Let me quickly recap some of the points I covered in those posts.

You can find the links to them at the end of this one, by the way. Oh, and I’ve got some fresh news about when we can expect GTA 6 to drop. Let’s dive into it!

What do we already know about GTA 6?

Alright, let’s dive into some GTA 6 gossip that’s been making waves on the interwebs! So, there’s this user called “teapottuberhacker” on GTAForums, and they dropped a bunch of gameplay videos claiming to be from an early build of GTA 6.

Now, hold your horses, because here’s the kicker: this build supposedly combines elements from both GTA 5 and GTA 6.

Naturally, these videos spread like wildfire across platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and good ol’ Reddit.

I can’t vouch for their authenticity, but man, they had gamers all riled up. And hey…



Aiden (Owner of Illumination Gaming)

Specialise in Media, Design, Filmmaking, Gaming. I support Illumination as an editor and YouTube coordinator.