Gravitational Waves & Vibes

Rupturing the fabric of space-time!

ZyAnn Paul


Photo by Garik Barseghyan from Pixabay

If this was me and this was you.
Would each one of us have a flip-side or two?

If we could split them and bring out those sides.
Would one side be dark, would the other shine light?

If the bright side of me, loved the light side of you.
Would the dark side of us, be in love with each other too?

If the ground between us, started to tear apart.
Would our sides cross over and hold each other’s heart?

If the strength of our stance built a foundation steady in stone.
Would the weight of us, sink us, creating a massive Black Hole?

If light traveled at a speed too slow to enter that space.
Would the blackness represent our fears or would it be a magical place?

If space-time’s distortion continued to double infinitely.
Would we dare travel the distance to reach a potential Singularity?

If the point of no return, was like our bond curved by gravity.
Would you be brave enough to cross an Event Horizon with me?

Written for ILLUMINATION || ZyAnn Paul © All Rights Reserved

