Great Teachers are Phenomenal Leaders

Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach. –Aristotle

Purvee Chauhan
Age of Awareness


Image credits: Author

Teaching is the most underrated profession and teachers, the most undervalued humans. Teaching is not limited to verbalizing concepts and giving grades. It is about keeping authentic learning at the center. It is creative, yet sequential. It is concrete, yet abstract. It is strict, yet fun. It is about compassion, mindset, grit, responsibility, knowledge, strength, tirelessness, hunger, and innovation, all at once. It is the very reason why we are what we are and teachers the most important human beings who hold this fort. In this article, I detail why teaching is nothing short of great leadership by going through teachers’ anatomy.

Developing the Class Vision and Showing Unbounded Confidence

Teachers are exceptional at developing a strong and clear vision for their classrooms. They understand their students’ backgrounds, developmental needs, abilities, strengths, and potential in order to set expectations and plan to achieve those through year-long, unit-long, month-long plans, etc. The ever-shimmering eyes also display unbounded confidence and care for each child of their class. Oftentimes, that’s all that matters to their students.

Embodying Growth Mindset



Purvee Chauhan
Age of Awareness

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. ~ The Little Prince