Greenbrier Ghost: When the Testimony of a Ghost Nailed the Convict

It happened in West Virginia in 1897

Rrahul Anandd


Source: Wikimedia Common, Public Domain

What? Really.

Yes, the Greenbrier ghost is a one-of-a-kind case. This weird 19th-century tale seems unlikely but true.

It is the story of one Elva Zona Hester, born in Greenbrier County, West Virginia, United States. Greenbrier Ghost is the name popularly given to the ghost of Elva that helped to nail the convict. Elva was married to one Erasmus Stribbling Trout Shue. They both married in 1897, despite objections by Elva’s mother.

The story

Elva Zona Heaster. Source: Wikimedia Common, Publica Domain

In October 1895, Elva met Erasmus Stribbling Trout Shue. He was a homeless guy with no employment. Trout had moved to the county to start anew and make some life working as a blacksmith. After some time, he got married to Elva.

Trout had already secured employment with some James Crookshanks at his shop. Little did people knew about Trout as he was a visitor from a different town. Perhaps, there was a shroud of mystery over Trout. Unlike the internet and vast information now, back then, things were pretty simple.



Rrahul Anandd

Reading and writing fanatic from the rare species who prefer rest in peace to RIP.