Grief and Healing

A poem about the journey

Linda Spangle
Published in
Mar 8, 2021


Photo by Weerachai Chaiwong, 123 RF

grief doesn’t come once
but a thousand times
separated by seconds
later by decades
but it always returns

water runs from my eyes
at unexpected moments
from a tiny rustle in the leaves
to the tidal wave that drowns me
in a deluge of tears

today it rises in my throat
but I step on it
with a glass of wine
or another brownie
and I postpone healing

it was her kindness
a free coffee refill at Cafe du Monde
her seeing me for real
I finally drop the shield
and invite the wind of grief

and I move in my healing



Linda Spangle

Author and weight-loss coach who loves to write, sing, act silly, drink wine, have deep conversations . Breast cancer survivor.