Growing up with Spencer!

A photo journal of Nyssa & her cat.

Freda Savahl


Nyssa & Spencer on adoption day. Author’s photo.

We witness the adoption of Spencer the tomcat.

Eight years ago, Nyssa arrived home from school excited about a new kitty at the animal shelter where she volunteers weekly.

“Got to have him, got to have him!” she begged her mom.

Despite giving Nyssa all the reasons that a cat was not suitable for the home, like the cat hair everywhere, expensive cat kibble, stinky litter box, and vet bills, the mother eventually relented & off they went to the shelter.

“We have to hurry, Mom, before Alissa gets it; she wanted the kitty too!”

Fortunately, the gorgeous dark grey & white, Tuxedo kitty was sitting in the cage watching kids cuddle with puppies.

As soon as he saw Nyssa, he climbed up inside the cage, meowing as if he had found his forever buddy. It was an instant attachment!

While the mother paid for the kitty, the attendant opened the cage & Nyssa scooped the kitty up in her arms, saying,

“I love you, kitty. Your name will be Spencer. I am taking you home. No more cold cages to sleep in?”

The kitty snuggled & purred in Nyssa’s lap while they drove home.



Freda Savahl

Retired Nurse Practitioner WHC /Contract Provider Deployment Military Services. US Citizen. Immigrant from South Africa 1978.