HABITS 101 E1: Make that habit as easy to adopt as possible.

Developing new habits can be challenging, especially when you’re trying to replace old, less healthy ones.



To ensure success in building and maintaining new habits, it’s crucial to make them as easy to adopt as possible.

In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies for making habits more accessible and enjoyable, setting you on the path to success and personal growth.

Identify Your WHY

The first step in successfully adopting a new habit is understanding your reasons for wanting the change. Your “why” will provide motivation and support when the going gets tough. Having a clear purpose can help carry you through difficult moments and keep you committed to your new habit.

Make It Pleasurable and Easy

To increase the likelihood of sticking with a new habit, make it enjoyable and easy to start. This doesn’t mean avoiding challenges or staying in your comfort zone; rather, it’s about creating an environment that encourages success. By focusing on the positive aspects of a habit, you can create a sense of internal reward that reinforces the behavior.

Start Small




sharing my journey of building my own online business and a champions mindset 🚀 tips and tricks to do the same 🧵