Halloween 2023: Experience a Live, Chilling Genocide — A Contemporary Reflection of the Holocaust and a Nation’s Second Tragedy

From Gaza Strip to the World: A Cry for Humanity to Unite and Save a Shattered Nation.

Nagwan Lashin
7 min readOct 26, 2023


From international disregard to fabricating facts, to continuously postponing the ceasefire without a valid reason, to bombing churches and hospitals and then lying about it — for the past 19 days, innocent people have been killed while we await the next show to fight over. The last 13 days are merely a continuation of the ethnic cleansing pattern that has been happening for the past 75 years.
CC: AI generated by Hassan Ragab. https://www.instagram.com/p/CynInV7LWGT/

As Halloween approaches and people look for costumes, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the tragic and ongoing events in Gaza since October 7th cannot be overshadowed by any costume or theme. These events are real and ongoing.

For nearly two decades, the United States and the rest of the world have largely ignored the suffering of more than 2 million people living in Gaza, who are facing a severe humanitarian crisis. Meanwhile, Israel continues to control Gaza’s airspace, borders, and maritime access.

As reported by the Israeli non-governmental organization Gisha, the current population of the region spans over 2 million Palestinians residing within an area of approximately 140 square miles, rendering it one of the world’s most densely populated regions. 40% of Gaza’s inhabitants are children under the age of 14

CC: Illustrated by @alhusayan / https://www.instagram.com/p/CygtwhQrvse/

Think back to the Holocaust… What we’re dealing with now is far more terrible than you can picture

The Holocaust, masterminded with meticulous planning, serves as a grim reminder of the dire consequences of unchecked hatred and discrimination, largely driven by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime during World War II.

Millions of innocent people, mostly Jews, were systematically persecuted and killed. The pain endures, affecting survivors and their families. It’s a stark moral failure of humanity, emphasizing the need to combat discrimination and promote tolerance, understanding, and human rights for all.

But wait a minute, was anyone taking notes to prevent this from happening again?

As the Jews unleashed a wave of cruelty, targeting indigenous people over the last 75 years and escalating their violence on the Gaza Strip in the last 19 days, one couldn’t help but draw a chilling parallel to the past. Much like the Holocaust, where unspeakable horrors were executed with terrifying precision, it seemed that history had cruelly repeated itself. The Jews, once victims, had now become perpetrators, and the whole world, for reasons unknown, is not only watching but inexplicably supporting them in a nightmare of its own making.

What happened between Israel and Hamas on Saturday, October 7th?

On Saturday, a significant escalation occurred between Israel and Hamas. Hamas claimed responsibility for launching approximately 5,000 rockets in the initial attack, while Israel’s military reported around 2,500 rockets fired. This attack took Israel by surprise due to its scale, sophistication, and timing, despite Israel’s advanced intelligence capabilities. Additionally, Hamas militants used various means, including motorcycles, pick-up trucks, para-gliders, and speed boats, to cross from Gaza into southern Israel, targeting 22 locations.

Hamas named this operation “Al-Aqsa Storm.” According to Hamas spokesperson Khaled Qadomi, this military action was in response to a series of provocations by Israeli politicians and settlers at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is one of Islam’s holiest sites. It was also a reaction to decades of violence and discrimination experienced by Palestinians at the hands of Israel.

To learn more about the Gaza Strip and the occupation, please make an effort to gain at least a basic understanding of their history.

Hamas governs the Gaza Strip and is also recognized as a resistance organization by some But at the same time, Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by some countries and international bodies, particularly by the United States, Israel, the European Union, and others.

You can now ask the question why the IRA isn’t designated as a terrorist organization, given that they share a similar objective of liberating their country from occupation?!

Not particularly fond of the IRA and their Irish accent, right? So, what about Ukraine? Why is the international community providing financial and political support to free their land from Russian occupation? Should they be simply labeled as terrorists for striving to regain their country?

In our world, your resistance is celebrated if your country is strategically important and you meet certain criteria. Otherwise, you’re often labeled a ‘troublemaker,’ highlighting the exclusivity in international politics.

What Is Happening in Israel and the Gaza Strip Since Then?

In response to the attack, Israel initiated what it called Operation Swords of Iron, involving airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.

PM Netanyahu, in a televised statement, declared that Israel was at war and expressed determination to use its full military power to eliminate Hamas’s capabilities.

“Get out of there now,” he told Gaza Strip residents, who have no way to leave the tiny, overcrowded Mediterranean territory of over 2 million people, which is blockaded by Israel by air, sea, and land.

The airstrikes intensified after nightfall, destroying residential buildings, including a 14-story tower in central Gaza City.

On Sunday, Israel made a formal declaration of war, and the following day, on October 9th, it declared its intent to cease the provision of critical supplies, including electricity, food, and fuel, to the Gaza Strip. This action, under international law, is considered a violation amounting to a war crime.

More than 100,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been displaced and thousands have taken shelter in United Nations schools. Buildings, mosques, and offices have been targeted in the Israeli strikes.

Officials in Gaza’s Ministry of Health said hospitals were expected to run out of fuel needed to power lifesaving equipment in two weeks.

October 9th- Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital Explosion

Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital which is located in the center of Gaza City served as a shelter for thousands of forcibly evacuated individuals and nearly 500 people have been killed.

The deaths have led to a war of words between Hamas and Israel, with both sides accusing the other of perpetrating the bombing. Israel says the explosion came from a misfired Palestinian rocket, whereas Hamas says Israel bombed the hospital.

in the Israeli air attack on the Al-Ahli Arab H. Yes they bombed a hospital and claimed that It was Hamas

By Tuesday, over 700 Palestinians in Gaza, including approximately 100 children, had lost their lives, with nearly 4,000 people sustaining injuries, as reported by the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

Aid organizations have noted that the destruction of water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities has already disrupted services for over 400,000 individuals.

Israel is now intensifying pressure on the population in Gaza by extending the existing 16-year blockade that restricts movement by air, land, and sea in the territory.

The Irony of Becoming What You Once Hated!

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has declared a “complete siege” on Gaza, making derogatory comments, referring to the Palestinians as “Human Animals”

Did you know that during the Holocaust, the Nazis employed dehumanizing language and propaganda, often referring to Jews and other targeted groups as “vermin”or “rats”?

This dehumanization was a part of their campaign to justify and carry out the persecution and mass murder of millions of people, including Jews, in concentration camps and extermination camps.

Israel has been continuously bombing the Gaza Strip since then, leading to an escalating humanitarian crisis in the blockaded Palestinian territory.

Israel has reported dropping approximately 6,000 bombs on the Gaza Strip since Hamas’s attack on October 7.

It’s noteworthy that the number of bombs dropped in this conflict is nearly equivalent to the number used by the U.S. in Afghanistan in one year, despite the significant size difference between Afghanistan and the Gaza Strip.

…and the toll of lives lost, people displaced, and those imprisoned continues to rise, making the ongoing catastrophe increasingly dire.

Here are the latest casualty figures as of October 26, 4:00pm local time (13:00 GMT):


  • Killed: At least 7,028
  • Including at least:
  • 2,913 children
  • 1,709 women
  • 397 elderly
  • Injured: At least 17,439

Occupied West Bank

  • Killed: At least 103
  • Injured: At least 1,836


  • Killed: At least 1,405
  • Injured: At least 5,431

The figures have been reported by the Palestinian health ministry, Palestine Red Crescent Society and Israeli Medical Services.

In summary, Israel is carrying out extensive airstrikes, targeting hospitals, schools, and mosques, and these actions have occurred in the past as well. Despite global condemnation and protests, Israel persists in displacing people from their residences, affecting their prospects for future settlements.

For those interested in further understanding the situation, I invite you to watch the following two videos, which provide additional insights and perspectives on this complex issue

Israel-Hamas War: Piers Morgan vs Bassem Youssef On Palestine’s Treatment

Israel-Hamas War: Piers Morgan vs Rahma Zein On Palestine’s Suffering

As a token of appreciation for your time, here’s a little Halloween gift for you. Enjoy the season and all the spooky feelings it brings.

Of all the images that have come out of Gaza, this haunts me the most.

I’m unable to display the actual photograph; it’s far too distressing. It captures a man carrying the remnants of his two children in plastic bags.

Are you willing to view the video? Here it is.

It captures a man carrying the remnants of his two children in plastic bags.
CC: Hassan Manasrah

Enjoy your Halloween.



Nagwan Lashin

Muslim, Woman, Chief Chaos Commander of one Husband and two Kids. I write about religion, parenting, life, business and all the hilarious moments in between.