Hammering the Wall……… Big Decisions

Rabia Mustafa
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2020
Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash

I read a one line story once

“He was hammering nails in his wall (thakk thakk thakk), the neighbor got so irritated that he divorced his wife”.

Got it?

May be

Let me put this in other words.

Sometimes in life you get so irritated with a petty thing that it gives you a nudge to do something that you were pending for so long. Have you ever noticed that when you come home after spending all day at office, the noise of children, hot weather or something unpleasant affect you a lot that it makes easier for you to say or do those things which were hidden inside you and disturbing you for so long.

The couple wasn’t happy at all. The hammering sound of nails gave him a nudge to do something that has been irritating him for so long. Or if you have any other explanation, plz do share.

You know, let me explain my own personal example. I was so hung up on some social media apps. I used to open a particular social media app every now and then just to swipe up, see status, reply everyone, call, send messages, share pictures, put status and so on. The App was always busy. It gave me so pain that I got muscles soreness, in a great deal, but still I was using it. I have thought many times to delete this app, some other apps and games just to relax myself for some days or weeks, but I couldn’t.

Once I was playing Ludo Star (while I was disturbed already due do some reason), I bet on 10k coins. I lost it.

I bet again.

I lost it.

I bet again.

I lost it.

Then I bet on 250k

You know what happened?

I lost it.

Then I realized one thing that nobody can be so unlucky to lose continuously, so I bet on 250k again.

Aaaaaaaaaand I lost it.

I thought about one thing, “how unlucky I am!!!”.

It made me think about my life, my life choices, sadness, pains, my regrets etc.

God!!!! it made me feel so bad.

I got pain in muscles with this exhausted playing.

I deleted that particular app that I used to use like million times a day. I used to contact all via this app.

This is called

“ludo hammered my wall so many times that I got so irritated, I deleted what was most desirable for me”.

I got new phrase

“Hammering the wall”

Just read the conversation below, taken from a movie and find “hammering the wall yourself.. 😉



Rabia Mustafa

Loves positivism and freedom, passionate about traveling, hates hatred, writes on random topics of everyday life