Handling Criticism with Grace

Mahnoor shafiq
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2024

its okay if people criticize you

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

Criticism is something that I’ve come to accept as a natural part of life. While it’s not always pleasant to hear, I’ve learned to see it as an inevitable aspect of putting myself out there. Whether it’s feedback on my work, my actions, or even just my personality, I understand that everyone has their own opinions and perspectives.

At first, criticism used to sting. It felt like a personal attack, and I would often take it to heart. But over time, I’ve come to realize that criticism isn’t necessarily a reflection of my worth as a person. Instead, it’s more about the other person’s perception and their own set of values and beliefs.

What’s helped me cope with criticism is shifting my mindset. Instead of viewing it as purely negative, I try to see it as an opportunity for growth. Constructive criticism, in particular, can be incredibly valuable. It offers insights into areas where I can improve and helps me see things from different perspectives.

Of course, not all criticism is constructive. There will always be people who criticize out of spite or jealousy, or who simply don’t understand where I’m coming from. In those cases, it’s important to take a step back and consider the source. I remind myself that I can’t control how others perceive me, but I can control how I respond.

Learning to respond to criticism with grace and resilience has been a journey. It’s taken time and practice, but I’ve come to see it as a skill worth honing. Rather than letting criticism discourage me, I use it as motivation to become better. I ask myself Is there truth to what’s being said? If so, how can I use this feedback to my advantage?

I refuse to let criticism hold me back. I’m the one in control of my own actions and decisions, and I won’t let the fear of criticism prevent me from pursuing my goals and dreams. So, bring on the criticism I’ll take it in stride and keep moving forward.

So, it's okay if people criticize you. Just live the way you want to live, love yourself and be happy, it is all that matters

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Hi I am Mahnoor Shafiq. Follow me and subscribe to my profile

