A Quick Conversation



Published in
2 min readJun 13, 2024


A picture of worn, worked hands. The sign of a person that earns every penny.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

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Ops Manager: Did you have jury duty today?

Business Man: Nah, I’m just downtown protesting my taxes.

OM: I thought you paid a guy.

BM: He insisted I tag along for this one.

OM: OK. One of the superintendents said you told him you’d be busy all day doing your civic duty. He said that you couldn’t be reached and not to expect any production from your side the entire day.

BM sat, lips pursed.

BM: Mm-hmm.

Long pause

OM: Oh, I read ya.

OM: Speaking of which, a few of the hands are asking for time off, so they can do the same. What am I supposed to tell them?

BM: Tell them to follow the actions they can see from their leader. Say it’s for the greater good. You know, the stuff that’ll get them to stay quiet. Besides, you know we’d be up Shit’s Creek if they all started taking days off. Remind them that they would be, too! No work-ey, no pay-ey.

OM: Easier said than done. I do still need to meet to go over some things a.s.a.p.

BM: I’ll hit you up after lunch. I’ve got that thing, volunteering with the kids in the morning. Shaping the brightest minds of our future and all. They’ll be getting a crash course in the real foundations of successful business.

And as always, keep on learnin’.

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