Happiness is Not a Five-star Holiday

By all means reasonable, make that trip if it helps, but your happiness in life doesn’t depend on it

Thomas Oppong


Photo by David Vives on Unsplash

For many people, happiness must be a five-star holiday away from home or a planned escape from home. A first-class plane ticket won’t guarantee the kind of happiness you want, but it will feel good in the moment.

Who would reject a five-star treat away from home, right? But there’s more to lasting happiness than a luxurious holiday.

Jonny Thomson, author of Mini Philosophy, could not be more right when he said our happiness is not at a five-star holiday in a post on the “New Happy” he wrote for the Big Think.

Happiness, the kind that sustains us, is not a fleeting high. It’s not the one-time business class flight I took the last time I travelled with British Airways or the luxury Disneyland Hôtel experience in Paris my wife wants.

Don’t get me wrong, vacations are great.

A break from routine can be the necessary detour you need to recharge. But the fleeting joy of a perfect getaway fades quickly. True happiness isn’t a temporary high; it’s a deep sense of fulfilment in what we do daily or weekly.



Thomas Oppong

Making the wisdom of great thinkers instantly accessible. As seen on Forbes, Inc. and Business Insider. For my popular essays, go here: https://thomasoppong.com