
Happy 55th! Singapore.

Sakshi Kharbanda, Ph.D.
7 min readAug 7, 2020


Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

As Singapore gears to celebrate its 55th birthday this 9th August, its spectacular success, along with its faultlines, deserves some attention. Singapore gained independence, not so long back, in 1965 from Malaysia, its neighboring country, and the second-biggest trading partner — first being mainland China.

The city mesmerizes you while the green cover of trees all over the city takes over your senses, and that’s one thing you don’t get bored of. It’s attractive, clean, and safe public places sweep you off your feet. Just to put things in perspective, it’s only 0.02% the size of India. Yes, it’s a small beautiful island nation.

You wonder in befuddlement, looking at the bustling central business district, how a nation so small with just 55 years into its independence could achieve so much without even following a normal or recommended path of development. At least not a populist one.

What has gone into Singapore’s success? Can it be applied elsewhere? Just as a word of caution, I would say, “NO.” We have innumerable questions regarding what separates Singapore apart from the rest of the world. Is it the size, strategy, gold standards in public healthcare, ease of doing business, the rule of law, multiculturism — celebrating and embracing the icons of various cultures? I guess all of the above.



Sakshi Kharbanda, Ph.D.

Learner| Researcher| Writer. Writes on Democracy, Capitalism and Inclusion. Fascinated by Mathematics and Mathematicians.