Happy Fourth, Our Dear Illumination

Your value exceeds that of gold

Josh Balerite Acol
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2024


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a toddler celebrating his fourth birthday holding a cake
Author’s image generated through Adobe Firefly

HOORAY! Let’s toast and cheer on your 1,461st day, dearie
A celebration of creativity throughout the world unleashed
Pioneering voices, in harmony, paint the canvas together
Propelling your publications to heights, as our Doc Chief
Yildiz’s yearning heart pulsates with excitement

Flickering lights danced in the night sky
O, let’s hear you roar, roar, and roar, “I'm three no more!
Underneath the starlit sky, tales of wisdom unveiled
Radiating passion, inspiration, collaboration,
Treasuring the diversity of voices, each word, verse, nuance
Honoring authors, publishers, and editors who never fail

In the glow of your fourth year, let’s dance with glee
Like a lively toddler, neither a baby nor a big kid full of zest,
Laughing, dancing, exploring with wild abandon,
Unraveling the wonders of lyrics and imagination
Merging playfulness with profound insights,
I grant you four wishes on this…



Josh Balerite Acol

Writer|Editor|Mom-Dad of 4|Loves all things inspiring! Feel the love and fun. Support my writings — join now!