Happy Mental Health Awareness Month

The mental health marathon continues…



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It’s Mental Health Awareness Month, and I want to remind everyone that maintaining mental health is a marathon, not a sprint!

As someone who has dealt with my fair share of temporary and permanent mental health issues, I want everyone to understand that recovery is an ongoing thing that requires dedication to getting and staying better.

Indeed, we all have our days. And just because you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health issue doesn’t mean it has to control your life.

Instead, it means that you may need to set boundaries for yourself and others, commit to taking medication on a temporary or long-term basis, and commit to therapy temporarily or for the long haul as well.

You may also need to commit to being gentler with yourself and allowing yourself the space to make mistakes as you continue to learn and grow.

Recovery is not linear; you may be back at the starting line often, but that doesn’t mean quitting the race.

Treat mental health like every other long-term goal, do the work, and hope for the best possible outcome.

Anxiously waiting for good mental health.




They call me “the voice of the people,” but I can only speak for myself. Find "Everything Ivy" here >> https://linktr.ee/IvyLockeWrites